Well, without Struts, I've used "wrap=hard" in textareas and that seems
to do the wordwrapping trick.

It might be nice to be able to include such an attribute in


-----Original Message-----
From: David Graham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 9:05 PM
Subject: Re: word wrap

Well, JavaMail has nothing to do with Struts and is easily learned
without a 
Struts example.  I'm not sure why you need a wordwrap feature in
The mail client is responsible for formatting the message to the screen
the sender.


> > what do you mean with wordwrap ?
>What I mean is that the text part of an e-mail should wrap at 80
>characters just like my e-mail here does when I send it.  It seems
>to me like JavaMail should have a setting for this and seems very
>inconsistent that it does not, but obviously that is not the concern
>of this mailinglist.
>I guess I could do it manually, but I was just curious what other
>people around here used to send e-mail.  I personally believe that
>the struts examples should have a case where e-mail is sent since
>every web application on the planet has to send e-mail at one time
>or another.  It is almost as important as understanding how to use
>forms, and I see almost no documentation on how one would use
>JavaMail with Struts.
>I would be glad to slap together an example once I figure this out.
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>Daniel Allen, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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