
If you use Tiles, and want to extends the RequestProcessor, you need to extend the TilesRequestProcessor. This later extends the RequestProcessor, so you transitively extends it also.

The TilesRequestProcessor purpose is to catch the definition names used in urls. If a struts url (like forward="") is a definition, then this definition is inserted in place of the url. The TilesRequestProcessor doesn't interfere with other functionalities provided by the original processor.
To understand exactly what happen, you can check the RequestProcessor workflow (defined in the process() method). This will help to understand.



Hi, i've a problem with TilesRequestProcessor;
i insert in my struts-config.xml the definition of my classes:
<controller  processorClass="struts.requestP" />
and requestP extends  TilesRequestProcessor (i don't understand whi if i use
tiles plug-in i don't exstend RequestProcessor..)
in this class i overload the processPreprocess and processForwardConfig methods,
now if i call an jsp page this processor dont't work (i use System.out for see
if it work..), it's work if i use TilesAction...whi?

example of my page:
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-tiles.tld" prefix="tiles" %>
<tiles:insert definition="base" flush="true" controllerUrl="/til.do" />

and in my struts-config.xml:
<action type="struts.tilesA" path="/til">
        <forward name="success" path="mainLayout"/>

in my tiles-defs.xml:

<definition name="base"  path="/tilesLayout/baseLayout.jsp">
        <put name="page"  value="baseEstesa" />
        <put name="title"  value="prova.titolo" />
       <put name="header" value="/tilesLayout/header.jsp" />
        <put name="body"   value="/tilesLayout/body.jsp" />
        <put name="menuI"   value="/tilesLayout/menuI.jsp" />
       <put name="footer" value="/tilesLayout/footer.jsp" />

in this case i use an TilesAction and i see the System.out from my processor(my
processor work),but if i don't use the TilesAction:

<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-tiles.tld" prefix="tiles" %>
<tiles:insert definition="base" flush="true" />
the processor don't work...whi?


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