I have to confess, I'm a newbie. I've been a C/C++ programmer for 20 years, but after 
dinking around for a few months with ASP, VBScript, PHP and a few other technologies, 
I decided that Java was the language to build my web apps in.

A month ago I was completely cold. Didn't know the first thing about any of this 
stuff. But I knew I wanted to learn it, so off I went, marching into the high weeds. 
First I had to learn Java. Then came servlets and JSPs and Tomcat. And along that path 
I also had to absorb Ant. And JUnit. And Log4J. And then there was a bunch of time 
lost exploring NetBeans/Eclipse/WebSphere before settling on JEdit as my environment 
of choice.

Then came Struts, and all the various taglibs. An experiment with Cayenne. And Cactus. 
And god-knows what else I've explored.

And through it all, I am continually amazed at the strength and breadth of the 
resources and support available. And equally frustrated by it. I can never remember 
where I saw a particular bit of information. So when I finally learn enough to 
understand what Ted was talking about in his monograph on Connection Pooling, I can't 
remember where I saw it.

And when I want to learn enough about EJBs to figure out if I need to care about them, 
or if they are relevant to my planned project, I have to wade through another day of 
voluminous coverage before I have enough of a handle on what they are to make some 
intelligent guesses about where to look next.

My point is that I believe the Apache/Java/Struts/... universe is quickly reaching a 
point where its very breadth is becoming a barrier to entry for people who don't have 
a couple of months to devote to bootstrapping themselves.

Is there any thought being given to creating a higher-level resource interface that 
could serve as a single point of reference for all things Apache? (I realize that "all 
things java" would be going way too far.) As a simple solution, if every document in 
the Apache infrastructure had a meta tag that listed the questions answered by the 
document, then a very powerful, automated FAQ could be maintained. And such a system 
would make it much easier (I believe) to find things quickly than simply searching the 
site for key words.

This may not be the best (or only) solution, but I do believe that for all the very 
specific support and discussions there are, there is really very little over-view 
material to assist newcomers or people looking for information outside of their core 

Or maybe I'm the only one who feels overwhelmed by it all. :-)


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