> ------ IMG Tag ---------
> [..cut..]
> My only issue:
> The release of the nested  tags from  1.1b2 let you get away with 
> some nested tag "mis-use"....
> [..cut..]

The reason why it stopped working in the recent nightly is that the nested
tags have been gutted, and remade to allow them more flexible use, including
the use of Tomcat 4.1.18 as a servlet container.

I've attempted to closely support previous "proper" use of the nested tags,
but I think that trying to support the same level of "mis-use" would be a very
pragmatic target and really hard.

As for the errors you're getting the nested tags are having those errors speak
from the internals of the tags they extend. They are a _very_ thin wrapper
around the original tags, and I'd like them kept that way really. Mandating
properties which can and cannot be set would make the job harder of having
them adapt to changes in the underlying tags.

Mis-use of the tags would always be at your own peril, but this big change has
obviously changed the way in which they can be mis-used. So I supose my
response is "terribly sorry for now, but the internals probably won't change
again, but once again mis-use at your own risk".

> ------ Radio Tag -----------
> [..cut..]

Nothing outwardly obvious. Thanks for the code snippets, I'll have to get in
and do some testing and get back to you.

Thanks again.


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