Hi Dan.

The best you can do to place your property file in any directory that contains to the classpath (e.g. WEB-INF/classes ...) and load the file via the VM:

E.G. Tomcat in Catalina.bat

set CATALINA_OPTS=%CATALINA_OPTS% -Dlog4j.configuration=log4jxy.properties

(dont take log4j.properties, take another name)

Nothing more have to be done. At the first demand of a logger, log4j itsselft reads the propterty file.

e.g. common logger you have to put this line in your code:

private Log trace = Log4jFactory.getLog(this.getClass());


Dan Allen wrote:
I promise you I researched this, hence why you will find that this
is an intelligible question.

If I make a log4j.properties file and I want to place it in the
WEB-INF/classes/resources directory (in the spirit of Ted Husted) do
I have to then create a custom servlet Log4jInit to load this
properties file and define it in the web.xml file?  I found
information on the custom servlet in the Log4j manual and it looks
to be the same exact servlet that is used to initialize Torque in
the stocktrack application in the Struts KickStart book.

In short, it would seem to me that if I move the file from




I have to make a custom servlet.  Is this an incorrect assumption
and if not, how do I tell the web container where to find it (surely
it doesn't go hunting throughout the whole classpath).


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