Try not to think just in terms of EJBs. Instead picture the scenario of persistence 
management in general. Throw CMPs, BMPs, JDO, Session Beans, Etc. out on the table and 
consider what each is buying you. In some cases the benefit is in providing a JNDI 
lookup for other Apps to use if you have several clients using your module. In other 
cases the benefit is in the memory management features that allow an EJB container to 
out-perform the servlet container. 
For myself, I am in the process of ramping up the use of JDO within stateless session 
beans and Struts is providing the major command pattern breakout of different use 
cases in the servlet container. A lot of the lower level conditionals and case 
statement logic for data gathering/updating is in the session beans... some of which 
uses the strategy pattern for conditionally different persistence management 
 Aaron O'Hara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:I know this question has probably been asked 
before, and that biased
publications have had their opinions on it, but I wanted to get some
feedback regarding some "real user experience" regarding the use of EJB
in a web application used along with Struts.

I am creating a web application and I have decided to use struts. The
application needs to be high performance, uses a single database (so it
doesn't have heterogeneous transactional db requirements). I have
designed the application in layers, and it will only have a web
interface. It's starting small, but will grow to have many functions.
Even though I'm confident that I need not invest in EJB's, I don't want
to develop the application to find out I should have used them (hence
why I'm creating this post).

In what scenarios have people found the use of EJB beneficial? When
have they been overkill? Does struts integrate smoothly with EJBs?

My fear is that I'll make the application overly complex by implementing
EJBs, but I'd like to hear from people with experience building large
web-only projects with struts.



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