<c:when test="${ StringVar ( eq / == ) 'string' }"/>

use eq or == 

On Tuesday 11 March 2003 4:03 pm, Curley, John wrote:
> Hi, All:
> How do you compare strings (if you can) with JSTL?  I am having trouble
> finding a good online reference (if anyone knows of one, please let me
> know).
> I have a string that I am getting from an object that is in a collection in
> one of my forms.
> I have used the c:choose and c:if core JSTL successfully but only with a
> boolean value (here is an example):
> <c:set var="whiteBackground" scope="page" value="${false}"/>
>   <nested:iterate id="tier" property="tierAccess">
>   <tr>
>     <c:choose>
>       <c:when test="${whiteBackground}">
>         <td bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
>       </c:when>
>       <c:otherwise>
>         <td>
>       </c:otherwise>
>     </c:choose>
> ...
> The only problem is that I used this test with one value of boolean type.
> Now I know that I have to make the c:when (or c:if) test attribute resolve
> to a boolean condition: how can I use this (or similar tag) to do a string
> compare?
> I guess a big issue for me is finding a good online reference since I am
> new to JSTL.
> Any help would be great.
> Thanks,
> John
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