Hi, I have a small site built with Tiles and Struts. On each page I have a standard left navigation. At the bottom of the navigation is a login box. What I'd like to do is have the user be able to login on any page on my site. On successful login, I just want to return the user to the page they were on before logging in (the login box will just change to "Welcome you're logged in" - or something like that). The problem I have is that all pages are defined using Tiles definitions and I use Struts to forward to a definition. In the execute method in the LogonAction I have access to the following:
request.getRequestURL(): http://localhost:8080/webwork/logon.do request.getRequestURI(): /webwork/logon.do request.getContextPath(): /webwork request.getPathInfo():null request.getPathTranslated();null mapping.getInput()null mapping.getName()logonForm mapping.getPath()/logon If the last page was actually something like articles.do or editArticles.do how can I find that out in the LoginAction class and return the user to that page? Thanks BJ ------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]