Hi Cedric

>   Hi,
>   I think that the problem comes from the fact that you put the pages
> belonging to one module under the WEB-INF umbrella. If you move your
> broken1.jsp to /StrutsIssues/admin/broken1.jsp, and change the
> definition tile.broken1 accordingly, all work fine:
>   <definition name="tile.broken1" extends="layout">
>       <put name="body" value="/admin/broken1.jsp"/>
>   </definition>

That's a good point. On the other hand, I really wanted to "hide" the JSPs
under /WEB-INF so that they can never be directly fetched by the browser.
Maybe there's a better way to handle that.

>   The problem is that in your not working solution, the path of the page
> is "/WEB-INF/jsp/admin/broken1.jsp". Struts use this path to determine
> the module. The default algorithm is 'all page under "/admin" belong to
> the admin module'. With your previous path, struts found that your page
> belong to the default module. It is possible to specify another
> directory to store the pages of your module. Check struts doc.

Ok, thanks for the hint. If I can tell struts to find the pages elsewhere
then that should get me closer.

I stayed up late last night and came up with a better solution than what I
originally posted (see the files FOOTNOTE and METHOD in the tarball
referenced in the original message). The gist of it is that my layout was
asking for the header to be populated by /header.do and that was,
apparently, changing struts' idea of the "current module". I changed that
to use /path/to/header.jsp and its working better.

>   Hope this help,

It does, thanks very much!

>           Cedric


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