So, I've been using struts for a while... even back when Tiles used to
be called "Components". :-)
I'm pretty impressed with how far things have come and how useful the
framework is...

Anyway, I'm new to using <nested> tags and am trying to use them in
combination with Tiles.
The goal I have is to iterate over a bunch of questions, each question
which has its own layout. For now, ignore how the layout switch is
handled - I'm more concerned about passing nested context between tiles
if it's possible.  (I've actually accomplished the switch via a
logic:equals sort of hack for the time being rather than pre-loading any
data in a tiles controller.  Why this works with a tiles:insert, I'm not
sure since one would think it would have flush-from-within-a custom-tile
issues as well.)

First pass (without swapped layout):
<nested:iterate property="questions" scope="request">
    <nested:nest property="question">
        <nested:write property="questionText" /><br />
        <nested:hidden property="questionId" /><br />
          <!-- insert answers here later -->

What I would like to do in concept:
*** questions.jsp
<nested:iterate property="questions" scope="request">
    <tiles:insert attribute="questionLayout" flush="false"/>

*** questionLayout.jsp
<nested:nest property="question">
    <nested:write property="questionText" /><br />
    <nested:hidden property="questionId" /><br />
          <!-- insert answers here later -->

Problems I've had:
1. Tiles & flush = "false"
   I'm using JBoss 3.2.0RC1 w/Jetty - the Tiles flush tag doesn't seem 
   to work or Jetty mishandles it.  I know we're fighting against the
JSP 1.1 spec.
   Symptom: The flushed tile HTML appears first, the containing JSP HTML

2. Losing nested context
   Once I do the tiles:insert, I lose the nested context.  I need to be
   to generate the problem index for each question in the form.  This
   look something like:

1. When will Struts move to support JSP 1.2?  It's been around for a
long time now.
   In fact, isn't JSP 1.3 out there as well?

2. Is there any good documentation on Tiles and Nested in combination?
   So far, I've been to a lot of the struts resources without much luck.

3. I love the concept of Tiles controllers.  These are fantastic for
moving a 
   Tile around a webapp solely by referencing it via the JSP/tiles defs.
   there anyway to leverage this concept in relation to my desired

Thanks loads - any tips or even possible approaches would be fantastic.


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