I found the following:

Running Struts Applications Under A Security Manager
Many application servers execute web applications under the control of a
Java security manager, with restricted permissions on what classes in the
web application can do. If you utilize form beans with mapped properties,
you may encounter security exceptions unless you add the following
permission to the set of permissions granted to your Struts application's

permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "accessDeclaredMembers";

I am not sure is this is my problem.

Has anyone seem this or can explain how to add permission in tomcat?

Jason Long - CEO and Chief Software Engineer
Supernova Software - supernovasoftware.com
BS Physics, MS  Chemical Engineering

-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Long [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 3:47 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: mapped propeties problem and need advice

I have been trying to set up some mapped properties in a form.
It is currently not working.
Would someone please look over what I am trying to do and comment on the

This was taken from the following:

I modified the code from the faq slightly, but it is essentially the same.

If this works I was hoping to populate the map with the request parameters.
Since I am using XSL to generate the pages, I can easily add <bean:write
property="stringMapped(XXXXXXXX)" name="bean" />
in order to repopulate the fields as the JSP recompiles.

This method seems to solve the problems I am having.  I would appreciate any
advice anyone has.

Thank you for your time,

Jason Long - CEO and Chief Software Engineer
Supernova Software - supernovasoftware.com
BS Physics, MS  Chemical Engineering

My setup

public final class ManagerForm
    extends ActionForm {
  private HashMap map = new HashMap();

  public ManagerForm() {
    map.put("102_price", "578854");

  public Object getStringMapped(String key) {
    return (map.get(key));

  public void setStringMapped(String key, Object value) {
    map.put(key, value);

  public void reset(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request) {

  public ActionErrors validate(ActionMapping mapping,
                               HttpServletRequest request) {

    ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
    return errors;

JSP Code
<jsp:useBean class="org.apache.struts.webapp.example.ManagerForm" id="bean"
<bean:write property="stringMapped(102_price)" name="bean" />

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: No getter method for property
stringMapped(102_price) of bean bean

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