Maybe you should be doing Vic's labs, Rick ;->

I loved the walkthroughs BTW - it is particularly useful to have worked
examples of various concepts - this can save literally hours by having a
working example - particularly with new bits one may not have used
previously, i.e. all of it is incredibly useful for beginners. It *can* take
a while trying to understand the various options with struts - at least
getting something working is a great starting point. Kudos to you for the
"Struttin' With Struts" idea *and* implementation. Looking forward to the
next bits :->

I must admit to being a (recently introduced but) great fan of Vic's
"basebeans" approach - it has greatly simplified getting CRUD working with
struts for me and introduced me to some very neat OO techniques. The code is
minimal - and as with all great ideas - its elegance is in its simplicity.

I'll refrain from trying to answer your question as I may be speaking
out-of-turn - might be better for Vic to answer this direct.


-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Reumann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 13 March 2003 16:42
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: BaseBean questions [was] [ANN] Struttin' With Struts beta
(newbies esp. welcome)

On Thu, 13 Mar 2003 06:22:58 -0500
Vic Cekvenich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Also, a bean should not do persistence, but should delegate. So I
> create a "helper" object, a DAOImplementation. ( a DAO also has a
> base). One thing is obvoice, a baseBean needs to CRUD, so it makes
> sense to baseBean { public void save() { DAO.update(); }}

I love the OO approach to your code, I'm just still very confused about
how a simple implementation of a BaseBean would work in calling a DAO to
save itself? In other words, what gets passed to the DAO from the
BaseBean implementation to do the CRUD?

For example in a case where you had:

EmployeeFormBean extends BaseBean

I would take it EmployeeForBean would need to hold user fields such as
firstName, lastName, address, etc with appropriate getter and setters.
How do these fields then get passed to your DAO for the CRUD operations?


Rick Reumann

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