Have you tried the latest and greatest nested tags?...

An update changing all the internals that would affect this have changed. It
went in after RC1, so either fetch a nightly, or simply download...


...and pop it into your WEB-INF/lib directory and spin your container again.
If the problem persists, please get back to me.


> In my http request scope, I'm seeing <nested-includes-key/> losing my
> iterate index when passing the nesting context to an included jsp. I've
> been using struts-1.1RC1.  I've dumped out the request attributes, pre
> and post jsp include to see what's in there...
> *** external.jsp
> <nested:iterate property=someObjects>
>   <nested:writeNesting />
>   <jsp:include page="included.jsp />
> </nested:iterate>
> *** included.jsp
> <nested:root>
>   <nested:writeNesting />
> </nested:root>
> In this example, I would get a nesting of:
> In the external jsp:
> someObject[0]
> someObject[1]
> In the included jsp:
> someObject[0]
> someObject[0]
> Within any one jsp, the nested iterate seems to manage things just fine,
> including collections in an included jsp, just not the nested:root of
> the included jsp.
> Also, I notice that the NestedReference.getNestedProperty() appears to
> yield the correct string *prior* to setting the <nested:root> and it is
> set to an empty string (or null?) immediately afterwards.  Thus it
> appears that the setting of <nested:root> is either where the bug is, or
> this is desired behavior...  or I've gotten this entirely wrong. :-)
> chris
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