
The better reading is the tiles sources ;-).

A tile context is created each time a tile is inserted. A tile can be inserted with <insert ...>, or by a forward clause in a struts action. When the context is created, it is initialized with the definition attribute if any.
The tile context is accessible once created. This is trivial to said, but this has some implication:
If you specify a struts action as the definition path, the tile context is accessible in the action.
If you directly call an action, there is no tile context accessible in the action, even if the action forward to a definition (the context is created at the forward time, i.e. after the action execution).

A tile context can be retrieved with: ComponentContext.getContext(Servlet). There is some example in o.a.s.webapps.tiles.*.

Hope this help,


Mark Lowe wrote:

Anybody know any good reading i can do to better my understanding of how to get one's grubby mitts on the context for a given tile. i.e. how can i forward to a tile? i.e how can i get a tile's context from an action servlet?

many thanks mark

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