
What I've done (and I haven't tested it yet since I'm still coding
supporting stuff so I'm not sure if it works) is to have an array
property within my form bean.  This would hold the id's for the selected
subsystem.  Within your jsp page, make sure all the checkboxes have the
same name, and it should populate that array with the same name as the
checkboxes in your form bean.

I'm hoping this works for me!


On Thu, 2003-03-13 at 23:39, Simon Kelly wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a form within a page that I need struts to populate in a specific
> manner.  The data selection within the page is as follows:
> A variable number of subsystems, that can be independently selected.
> Each subsystem has a time selection (single) and signal selection (one to
> many).
> I need the data loaded into two beans, one for the Subsystem:
>     String name;
>     String time;
>     List signals;
> And then one to hold all the subsystems:
>     List subsystems;
> 1)  I need to know if [OT] this can be written in html?
> 2) Can struts handle loading form beans in this manner?
> Any help will, as always, be met with glowing praise and no money :-)
> Cheers
> Simon
> Institut fuer
> Prozessdatenverarbeitung
> und Elektronik,
> Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH,
> Postfach 3640,
> D-76021 Karlsruhe,
> Germany.
> Tel: (+49)/7247 82-4042
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