In procedural programing (COBOL) the programmer is in charge of what happens next, in event driven programing (Web) the user is in charge of what happens next. For example on step 2, they go to, then open up a new browser and try to go to step 4, or another part of your application.
Event programing is more flexible and you have to get used to it!
You have to account (defensive programing) that the user can do anything, and will not follow your path, but could do any path.
So a good practice is to hallways submit each form to its own action, and hallways persist the forms formBean in that submit, and then have that same action decide where to forward.
Sort of each page has it's page controller that you call to get to that page (and the controller - get it, the controller- decides if it's ok for you to go to that page or elsewhere) or to leave that page, but on the submit back, persist the form before forward to suggested next step.
For one it keeps the sessions object smaller and is more scalable.
For 2, the user can jump out, and jump in and see the same exact state he had last.
And.. what if the user takes a phone call and decides to have to add data to another part of app.
Or what about fail over.
my 2 c, refundable. .V
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