Hi there,
I am using Struts 1.1 and WAS 4.04  and everything seems to work well.
But after I enabled the Websphere Security and added the following tag to
      <security-constraint id="SecurityConstraint_1">
         <web-resource-collection id="WebResourceCollection_1">
         <auth-constraint id="AuthConstraint_1">
            <description>TD Resources:+:</description>
         <user-data-constraint id="UserDataConstraint_1">
      <login-config id="LoginConfig_1">

Stuts Action servlet doesn't work well anymore.
The action forward was called twice.
This is my struts-config.xml

<action path = "/searchInstitution"
= "com.tiscogroup.td.web.action.institution.InstitutionSearchAction"
            scope  = "session"
            name = "InstitutionSearchForm"
            input = "generalInfo/institution/institution_search.jsp"

        <forward name = "searchSuccess" path
= "generalInfo/institution/institution_search.jsp" />

    <action path = "/deleteInstitution"
= "com.tiscogroup.td.web.action.institution.InstitutionDeleteAction"
        scope = "session"
        name = "InstitutionInfoForm"
        input = "generalInfo/institution/institution_search.jsp" >

    <forward name = "deleteSuccess" path
= "/searchInstitution.do?mode=init"  />

after I perform the "/deleteInstitution.do" and forward to "deleteSuccess",
the next Action is "/searchInstitution.do"and should forward to
and finish
But It doesn't >>
After I perform the "/deleteInstitution.do" and forward to "deleteSuccess"
the next Action is "/searchInstitution" and then perform the
"/deleteInstitution" AGAIN

I tried to move the Security setting tag out from web.xml, then everything
worked well.

Does anyone get this problem? PLS HELP....

Sutiwan Wannapongsai
Application Development
Thai Information Technology Co.,Ltd.
Tel: 0-2633-7657

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