Kelly Clauson wrote:


I'm so close.

Yup. Definately on the right track.

I have implemented tiles by using the Tiles Plug-in and tile

All is well, except I don't know how to get my entry page (index.jsp) to
use the tiles. Once past this page, all other pages properly load the tiles.

I've tried a couple things to no avail. First, I have a definition like

<definition name="baseDef" path="/layouts/layout.jsp">
       <put name="header" value="/header.jsp"/>
       <put name="footer" value="/footer.jsp"/>
       <put name="menu" value="/menu.jsp"/>
       <put name="body" value=""/>


<definition name="indexDef" extends="baseDef"> <put name="title" value="Welcome"/> <put name="body" value="/index.jsp"/> </definition>

In our system this is:
<definition name="welcome" extends="baseDef">
 <put name="title" value="Welcome"/>
 <put name="body" value="/welcome.jsp"/>


But that does not seem to get picked up. So, I thought I could rename indexDef to welcomeDef and set the body value to welcome.jsp. Then I put a logic:redirect tag in index.jsp, setting the page attribute to "/" (after renaming IndexForm and IndexAction to WelcomeForm and WelcomeAction) but that did not do the trick either.

My action mapping, after Index to Welcome looks like this:

<action path="/Welcome"
     scope="request" >
     <forward name="upload" path="uploadDef"/>
     <forward name="summary" path="summaryDef"/>
     <forward name="edit" path="editDef"/>

Then this becomes: <action path="/index" type="org.apache.struts.tiles.actions.NoOpAction"> <forward name="success" path="welcome"/> </action>

And, finally, index.jsp is simply:
 <logic:redirect page="/"/>

I'm trying to get the definition of index or welcome to be used when users first access the site but I'm not sure how to do it.

I would really appreciate any pointers.


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