Anyone tried this?

Using a map backed form, where 
set(key,val) { mymap.put(key,val) }
and get(key) { return mymap.get(key) }

I am having a problem with String[] and multiple attribute of html:select: 

<html:select property="value(selectProduct)" multiple="true">
 <logic:iterate id="x" name="telecomModel" property="services" >
  <bean:define id="y" name="x" property="product" />
   <html:option value='<%=(String)y%>' />

Even though value(selectProduct) gives to the tag
[INFO] SmModelForm - - getValue(selectProduct) = [Ljava.lang.String;@deb5f
which is a String[0]

The problem i see is beanUtils still populates the field with only a string:

[INFO] SmModelForm - - setValue(selectProduct,U3995)
which is merely a String - not a String[] with an element (String) "U3995".

Is there something wrong or am I missing something here??
Is there an issue with retrieving or setting the String[] from a HashMap?

Thanks in advance for help :)

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