I truly believe that nl2br would be a most excellent taglib.
Already my web developer has thanked me 10 times for making this tag
for him.  Here is why.  Often times the jsp developer needs to
include a large about of descriptive text with paragraph breaks.
Normally he/she would have to flood the document with <br /> tags to
get the formatting (or <p> tags or whatever).  By using this tag,
the jsp developer can just type

<filter:nl2br>This is a lot of text
But I need to have breaks in the text
But I want to just copy from the text editor

and not have to do further work.</filter:nl2br>

I am thinking the filter could do other things, such as wordwrap,
perhaps nl2p for <p> tags around the line break sections, and a
horde of other options.

Any one think a filter taglib set would be a good idea?  If we are
out to save the jsp developers time, this seems like a viable
solution to me.

I will post the code if anyone is interested, but it wanted that


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Daniel Allen, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Real programmers just hate to get up in the morning, and 
contrary to Ordinary People, they're in better shape as 
it gets closer to nighttime.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

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