And what about "read" mode for role "newbie" and "write" mode for role "admin".

Is there a way not to put the input field twice with two different logic:present tags ?

Does anybody have an idea on how to change display based on the role (and maybe something else) ?


Max Cooper wrote:
You can use the logic tags to do something like this:

<logic:present role="admin">
   <html:link page="/admin/">Admin</html:link>

This assumes you are using a security mechanism where
request.isUserInRole("admin") will return true when the user is in that
role. For that to work, you must use container-managed security or a
filter-based solution like

shamelessly plugging SecurityFilter again :)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Duffy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2003 12:23 PM
Subject: Fine Grained Access Control in Sturts

Does anyone have any thoughts on fine grained access control in

Struts enables access control based on actions (see "Struts in
Action", Husted, et. al., pp 550-553), and most application servers
can protect resources based on realms/roles.

But what about display options based on roles.  For example, if you
only wanted an "Admin" link to appear if the user was an
administrator, what would be the best way to do this?

You could make the "role" an attribute of the user object and then do
a logic test for the appropriate role.  Or it might be even better to
write a logic tag that takes the user role as an attribute.  Any

Thanks for your consideration.

BTW. The Husted book is a very good book.


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