how about this??

<jsp:include page="<%= LanguageUtil.getPreferredLanguagePath(request, "data/country.xml") %>" flush="true" />


Jeff Smith wrote:
I have been following the thread on Country Selection Pull-down and it
addresses an issue that has bothered me as well - how do we create
localizable forms from bean data?

The suggestion of putting localized versions of the various field labels in
my DB (from where I build my labels bean) seems anathema to me - the more
localization I can place in my resources file, the more efficient my
localization project will be.

Would it be possible to add an attribute to the various tags called
"localize" which takes a true or false (default to false). If set to true,
this tag would treat the value field of the element as a message key and get
the final display value from the resource file?

It seems to me that this would be a powerful (and fairly simple) solution to
a number of form-localization problems.


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