To subclass a base actionForm is the design used in our project.
e.g. The baseSearchForm contains fields common to all the objects and the
subSearchForm  specifies the fields that are unique for the object.
And also, the action is object specific, so you can assign the sub form to
each action.

I am open for comments on this implementation too.


-----Original Message-----
From: David Holtzhouser [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2003 11:40 AM
Subject: OO Design with ActionForms, Again - Can someone please comment

I posted this question early in the month, but didn't
get a single response.  Can someone please comment on
this question??

I have a design question realted to developing
ActionForm classes.

I have a page where a user makes a selection that
controls the Tile that will appear within the body
of the next screen.  The two (and likely additional
ones later) screens share a common property
between them (a checkbox).  I would like to refactor
that common property into a base
class, and then create subclasses off of that type.

My perceived problem is that I am limited by the fact
that you can only declare a single relationship
between the action and the form-bean.

What are the best practices for using inheritance on
ActionForm's and does anyone
have a suggestion on how this could be implemented?



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