On Mon, 2003-03-24 at 07:32, Xavier Saint-Denis wrote:
> Hi,
> I have the following problem :
> In the strust config file I declare this :
> <!-- ========== Message Resources Definitions
> =========================== -->
>     <message-resources parameter="ApplicationRessources" null="false"/>
> Where the "promt.empty=------------" is defined in the property file and
> used with no problem elsewhere in the code.
> in a tiles jsp, i use a an <html:action> like this :
> <html:option key="prompt.empty" value=""/>
> but the message is not rendered.... and I wonder why...?

Maybe because you mispelled 'prompt' in the bundle ???

> Have you any idea why this occur ?
> Xav

James Mitchell
Software Developer/Struts Evangelist

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