I'm a bit confusing using the jsp struts tag logic:iterate.
Here is my problem.

In my business logic I've created an object (let's call it "objA") that contains a 
Hashtable which itself contain a list of objects ("objB") . The Hastable object 
("hTable") can be accessed through getter and setter from "objA". 
I want now to display as a table the property "prop" of all "objB" objects contained 
in the Hashtable "hTable" ("prop" is a String  and can be accessed through getter and 
setter from "objB". 

Before launching the jsp I've put objA in the HTTP request.

Then I've coded the following  in the Jsp : 

<jsp:useBean id="objA" class="ObjA" scope="request"></jsp:useBean>

<logic:iterate name="objA" property="hTable" id="objB" indexId="ind" >
    Next element is <bean:write name="objB" property="prop" /> [<bean:write 
Coding this, I get the following error : 

[Servlet Error]-[No getter method for property prop of bean objB]: 

I tried then to code :

<jsp:useBean id="objA" class="ObjA" scope="request"></jsp:useBean>

<logic:iterate name="objA" property="hTable" id="objB" indexId="ind" type="ObjB" >
    Next element is <bean:write name="objB" property="prop" /> [<bean:write 

In this case I get the following error :
[Servlet Error]-[JSP 1.2 Processor]: java.lang.ClassCastException: 

Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong please ?

Thanks for your help

Jean-Michel Auguste

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