Codeing something that is automatic is a bad practice.

Consider using Container Mnaager Security, that does this fo you.

Navjot Singh wrote:
Hi List,

I want to build some kind of generic login system for my app and I am
thinking on these lines

Request Flow
test.jsp -> TestAction -> login.jsp -> LoginAction -> test.jsp

test.jsp and login.jsp and under **different modules**. When
TestAction.class return ActionForward for login.jsp,
Struts generate an error "Action Not Found for /Login".  [ This is action
defined in login.jsp]

Which is genuinely right from Struts perspective as request is till under
"test" module so
it tried to find **/Login action mapping** from that **test-config.xml**

+ Have someone faced any problem like this before?
+ If you think there is better solution, pls let me know.

+ I am thinking of going RequestDisptacher way on top of Struts
ActionForward. Will that be OK?
   When AuthCheck returns __login failure__ , i can use request disptacher
to forward request to login.jsp.

Navjot Singh

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