
What I've been hearing more and more from my friends at larger corporate
institutions is that a degree does matter, especially in these difficult
times.  It is reflected in your pay as well as potential for
advancement, let alone employment.  It seems to be less important at
smaller businesses and academic institutions.

This is the perfect time to go back to school if it is economically
feasible for you and your family.  

Another thought is that many employers, especially Universities, will
pay for you to take classes.  My system admin is working on his B.A. -
our boss actively encourages us to pursue higher education. I finished
my M.S. while employed here, and my boss gave me some work time to work
through my courses.

Getting a CS degree at this point in the game may seem redundant to you,
but there is a lot you can gain from pursuing a degree.  Many
non-traditional students excel when they return to school because of
their interest in the field as well as the wealth of knowledge they
bring with them.  Even if you hated high school and traditional
classroom environments as many of us did, the experience can be
completely different as an adult student.

I would look into local universities and colleges and at least check out
your options.  

Best of luck,

Becky Norum  (BS Biochemistry, MS Information Systems)

> >From: "Brandon Goodin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Reply-To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Does a degree matter?
> >Date: Sat, 29 Mar 2003 13:09:11 -0700
> >
> >Hey all,
> >
> >I'm trying to make a decision as to what I am going to do. I am sucking 
> >wind on profitable work. So, I was thinking about going to school and 
> >getting a BA in Comp Science to make myself more attractive in the job 
> >market. Is it really worth doing? I've been doing development for 5 years 
> >professionaly. 2 years Perl and ASP, 3 years Java. Prior to that I was 
> >hobbying in those languages on my own. My knowledge is competitive with 
> >anyone else in my realm of experience. Anyways, I was just wondering how 
> >important you all think a BA in Computer Science is for a family man trying 
> >to give his career a boost.
> >
> >Brandon Goodin

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