Cedric Dumoulin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

>   Hi,
>   If you use your own defined Item class, you can disable the xml 
> validation to add your extra properties (set the appropriate option in 
> the TilesPlugin).
>   Also, you can use the <bean> tag instead of <item>:
>   <bean classname="...">
>     <set-property property="..." value="... "/>
>     <set-property property=" ..." value="... "/>
>   ...
>   </bean>
>   Maybe we should add the <set-property ...> tag to the <item> tag ?
Bingo!  That would be perfect.  Then you could add any custom
properties you wanted to a menu item and not have to worry about
changing the DTD or disable validation (never a good thing).  We get
the freedom while staying indoors.  This is a brillant idea.
However, it would be nice to be able to set the classname on the
putList instead of on each item, but I guess I can live with that.

<putList name="items">
    <item classtype="net.creativerge.bean.SimpleActionMenuItem">
        <set-property property="text" value="Home"/>
        <set-property property="action" value="/Home"/>

That works really nicely.


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Daniel Allen, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Windows: where do you want your data to disappear to today?
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