HTML does not submit a null for an unchecked checkbox.
So if you have foo=bar you would have nothign if foo was not checked.
If you try it with a GET HTML form you'll see that behavior.


-----Original Message-----
From: Donald Ball [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 31, 2003 3:56 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: question regarding DynaActionForm.reset()

Wendy Smoak wrote:
> Donald wrote:
>>why do you call reset() before manipulating the bean anyway? 
>>isn't it better to explicitly keep the old 
>>values around before setting any new ones based on the incoming request?
> Without reset, you'd never be able to 'un-check' an HTML checkbox.

Sure you would - you'd interpret a null request parameter value for the 
checkbox input as un-checked, just like web programmers have always 
done...? it's easy to distinguish between the three incoming states:

1. form submitted, checkbox checked - foo=bar
2. form submitted, checkbox unchecked - foo=
3. user entered through something besides the form - no request 
parameter named foo

(btw, if this issue is dead and buried, feel free to point me to an old 
thread or tell me to shut up. :) )

- donald

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