Hi Mahesh,

You can certainly specify a message in another bundle:

Here's the validation.xml for my field, "longField"

            <field property="longField"   depends="long"   >
                <arg0 key="validateForm.longField.errorname"/>

Here's where I put longField on a form, along with display of an error message
from a validation-specific message resource file (note bundle= ):

<html:text property="longField" />
<html:errors property="longField" bundle="VALIDATOR_BUNDLE"/>

Here's where the separate bundle is incorporated in my struts-config.xml file:

<message-resources parameter="torch.webapp.panthers.ValidatorResources"

and the error message from ValidatorResources.properties looked like:

errors.long={0} must be a long.



On Monday, March 31, 2003, at 04:35 PM, Bhagia, Mahesh wrote:


Is there any way to change / specify message resource bundle in
validation.xml / validation-rules.xml.
validation_1_1.dtd  doesn't seem to define that ... (i guess it assumes
<arg0 key="registrationForm.firstname.displayname"/>  key from default
message resource)

or is there a way to change message resource in Plug-in class (may be extend


Mahesh Bhagia

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