I've just had a similar problem, recently. The docs seem to be a bit misleading (or perhaps the docs are right and theres a bug somewhere?).
<html:messages> doesn't seem to do any actual writing, its just a form of iterator that loops through the specified messages and puts them in a page-scope attribute. To actually display them you need to use <bean:write>
<html:messages id="message">
<bean:write name="message"/>

Note you may also need to set the message paramater of the html:message tag to "true" if you have created your messages using the ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE key as the tag (confusingly) defaults to using ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR

Hope this helps,



Hi everyone,

Is anybody knows how to use messages system of struts. I just want to print some information on the user screen, so I use an ActionMessages object, then i fill it with ActionMessage, I save it, and in my jsp, I use the tag <html:messages id="messages"> in which messages is the name of my svaed object, but nothing is printed out? So perhaps I do not use correctly this?


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