It is possible. It's commonly referred to as XML over HTTP. HTTP is the protocol or language that clients and servers speak and XML, HTML, GIFs, JPEGs, etc. can be delivered over that protocol. HTTP responses set a Content-Type header like Content-Type: text/html or Content-Type: text/xml in your case. There are JSTL tags that generate XML in JSPs or you can generate the XML in an Action and send it back.


From: "Konstantina Stamopoulou" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: HTTP response as XML
Date: Thu, 3 Apr 2003 17:25:09 +0300

Hello everyone,
I have been using STruts for a while and it has solved a lot of my previous problems for example having long .jsps that included all the logic. Now I have been asked to use struts, which will receive the requst and will generate .xml instead of html as a response. This .xml will be parsed by another application. First of all is this possible? Make an http requset which will be handled by struts which will return xml code? If yes how is this possible? Do I have to implement my own custom tags? Has anyone implemented something similar?
An xml file that I might generate will have the following form:

<ipg width="600" height="480" img="background.jpg">

<navigation left="20" top="20" width="200" height="300">
<button top="0" width="200" height="50" img="background.jpg" txt="Live TV" action="TVCatalog" target="displayarea"/>
<button top="100" width="200" height="50" img="background.jpg" txt="E-mail" action="showEmail" target="displayarea"/>
<button top="200" width="200" height="50" img="background.jpg" txt="Music" action="musicCatalog" target="displayarea"/>
<img left="400" align="right" img="background.jpg"/>
<banner top="400" width="640" font="verdana" size="40pt" color="white" bgcolor="transparent" href="";> </banner>
<block left="250" top="200" width="260" height="200" name="displayarea">This is a test. </block>

I could use any available help!

Thank U in advance!

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