Can any one suggest smart way to design site navigation in Struts, Tiles. I worked out 
the solution using JavaScript, JSP. I feel there should be better and new ways of 
doing this navigation.

For example here is the code snippet which i already made it work. I am looking for 
better ways. 

Explanation on snippet : Class is set using "CASE:" in java scriptlet to change the 
CSS class for different colors.

----------------- For submit -----------------

function changeGlobalAction(act, lnk)


document.topnav.action = act;

document.topnav.selectedTopNav.value = lnk;


String topNav = (String) request.getParameter("selectedTopNav");

if(topNav != null && topNav.length() > 0)


session.setAttribute("selectedTopNav", topNav);

session.setAttribute("selectedSideNav", "1");

session.setAttribute("RESET_SIDE_NAV", "TRUE");






<% if (option == 1)


<td width="71" class="<%= topNav1 %>" id="home">

<a href="#" onMouseOver="linkOn(this, 'home');" 

onMouseOut="linkOff(this, '#');"




<%}else{ %> 

<td width="71" class="<%= topNav1 %>" id="home">

<a href="#" onMouseOver="linkOn(this, 'home');" 

onMouseOut="linkOff(this, 'home');"






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