Have you (the strut's commitors) discuss about the possibility to separate
the struts components (tiles, valdator, struts-html, struts-bean, ...) into
differents jars ?
a good advantage is not to wait struts versioning for an enhancement on one
of these components.(very similar to the commons-XX.jar files)


> -----Message d'origine-----
> De:   Cedric Dumoulin [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Date: vendredi 4 avril 2003 10:16
> À:    Struts Users Mailing List
> Objet:        Re: Build the Tiles
> Yes you can build the tiles from the sources. You need to compile
> classes under o.a.s.tiles and o.a.s.taglib.tiles.
> Another simplest solution is to get the struts.jar, rename it to
> tiles.jar, open it with winzip or whatever you want, and suppress all
> the classes not related to tiles.
> Cedric
> Vernon wrote:
> >Hi, all,
> >
> >I need to use the Tiles as a standalone component in my project. I am new
> to Tiles in less than on week. I follow the chapter 11, Developing
> applications with Tiles, of "Struts in Action" to set up Tiles. I run into
> a couple of problem and hope someone can give me a hand.
> >
> >The tiles.jar file I get from Cedric Dumoulln's site, which was built in
> the last Noverber. But the all common libraries are the most recent
> releases. I think the old build might cause those problem. 
> >
> >After uploaded the rc1 source base, I only can see the Tiles
> installation, but not compiling and archive Tiles. Can I build Tile from
> the source? If yes, how I can do it?
> >
> >Thanks for your helps.
> >
> >Vernon
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >  
> >
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