Sorry if this is a resend. I got an error when I sent this mail the first time.

Is it possible that in a ActionForm I have another class(created by me) variable as a 

Basically the problem is that I have a HTML table in a form and the columns of this 
table are all input fields. I waould like to represent each row of this table by a 
class instance!! This would mean that each row is represented by an instance of a 
class which is a member of the ActionForm!! i.e. the ActionForm would have one member 
as an array of objects. 

The jsp would have something like -

<html:text property="name" size="16" maxlength="16"/>
<table border="1" width="400" height="80">
            <td><html:text property="udev[0].col1" value=""/> </td>
            <td><html:text property="udev[0].col2" value="true"/></td>
            <td><html:text property="udev[1].col1" value=""/> </td>
            <td><html:text property="udev[1].col2" value="true"/></td>

and somewhere below -

        <bean:write name="name" property="name"/>
        <bean:write name="name" property="mubox"/>
        <bean:write name="name" property="udev[0].col1"/>
        <bean:write name="name" property="udev[0].col2"/>
        <bean:write name="name" property="udev[1].col1"/>
        <bean:write name="name" property="udev[1].col2"/>

IN the line 
<html:text property="udev[0].col1" value=""/> 

I have made "udev" a member of the ActionForm class related  to this jsp. Udev is an 
instance of a class with two member variables repsresnting the 2 columns of a record 
in the table. But it doesn't seem to work??


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