I wondered if your post meant that you had similar problems with
build/deploy giving funny intermittent errors or if you were just fed up
with pricey app servers giving you headaches? 

For me changing app servers is not an option, but I would be fascinated to
know if you were having similar build/deploy intermittent errors - since you
apparently use iPlanet and I use WLS, that would lead me to think my problem
lies more with the ant/javac/jar tools or EAR structure than it does with
the WLS app server.  I really don't think it is the WLS app server, because
when an EAR file works it will continue to work over many deployments, and
when an EAR file fails it will always fail the same way over many deployment

- Jim Piper

-----Original Message-----
From: Miriam Aguirre [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 04, 2003 1:22 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: [OT] intermittent build and deploy Struts application to
WLS pro blem

 we're currently struggling with this as well, I'm all for dumping iplanet
and move to jboss, but other people in the organization do not feel
comfortable with switching over to a non-sun-certified-freeware-app server..
so far, "so what, it's better!" is not working, any suggestions from the

-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Jaffa [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 04, 2003 9:10 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: [OT] intermittent build and deploy Struts application to
WLS pro blem

Dump WLS and go over to JBOSS in production.  We are currenly going to save
something like
500k  by not upgrading to wls 7.0 or wls 8.0 and go directly to Jboss in

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, April 04, 2003 11:51 AM
Subject: [OT] intermittent build and deploy Struts application to WLS pro

> This is a bit OT (probably has nothing to do with struts), but the problem
> has gone from an irritation to annoying to really starting to tick me off.
> hope that since many of you are working with similar environments that you
> may be able to help me out here:
> Problem
> -------
> Intermittently when I deploy to WLS I will receive anywhere from 1 to
> 40 errors of the form: 'Public class blah blah blah must be defined in a
> file called blah blah blah' (I think these errors are thrown when the WLS
> attempting to recompile my EJB JAR within the server, not sure about that
> though).  The clinker is that if I change no source code, recompile and
> redeploy again, then occasionally I will not have the errors and
> will run fine from there on in.
> There have been times where I have gone through the hair pulling process
> running my ant clean, ant build scripts, and attempting to deploy 10 times
> before all of the sudden Blamo, it works.... only to fail again the next
> time I need to recompile.
> Environment description
> -----------------------
> 1. I edit source, compile and build WAR, EJB JAR, support class JAR, and
> on Windows 2K using ant.  I use the manifest.update feature to put class
> path info about classes used in both EJBs and Servlets into the EAR file.
> 2. ANT_HOME = \apache-ant-1.5.3Beta1 (also tried 1.5.2  and 1.5.1)
> 3. JAVA_HOME = \j2sdk_forte\jdk1.4.0 (also tried 1.3.1)
> 4. Attempting to deploy EAR to BEA Web Logic Server 6.1 sp4 (also tried
> running on a Sun server using WLS browser based admin tool.
> 5. The application uses Struts, log4j, rowtag among other things.
> Some Observations
> -----------------
> 1. The size of my EAR file changes each time I run my ant build script.
> Looking inside the EAR I see that the compressed sizes of my WAR and EJB
> JAR, and support class JAR files change each time the EAR build is run
> (while the sizes of the original WAR and JARs remain the same - and the
> original and compressed sizes of all my 3rd party JARs also remain the
> same).
> 2. Also I notice that when the size of the EAR gets smaller then the app
> more likely to deploy ok.
> 3. If I attempt to redeploy the same EAR file over and over then I will
> the same number of errors each time.  If I recompile and deploy I will get
> different number of errors (or none).  If I have an EAR file that works
> I can redeploy that EAR file over and over and never get an error.
> 4. Have never seen the error when I deploy to JBOSS on my local Win 2K
> machine.
> Some Things I've tried
> ----------------------
> 1. change time out settings on http within WLS
> 2. deleting the old .ear file from WLS before redeploy
> 3. deleting the .wlnotdelete file from WLS before deploy
> 4. restarting the wls
> 5. undeploying, refreshing wls view, compiling, redeploying all in
> orders
> 6. holding my breath and crossing my fingers
> 7. not watching the deployment dos screen
> 8. watching the deployment dos screen
> 9. manually ftping the file to wls
> 10. wls running in debug mode
> 11. wls running in production mode
> 12. wls update from 6.1 to 6.1.4 something
> 13. removing all dos crlf from java and jsp in ant
> 14. touching all java and jsp files in ant
> 15. browsing ear and jar files for clues
> 16. asking wls admin for help
> 17. tracking size of ear files
> 18. noticing that ear file size changes even when no source has changed
> 19. suspecting something screwey with build process
> 20. stop wls during build
> 21. starting wls duing build
> 22. changed structure of EAR file
> 23. removed common classes from WAR and JAR and put in EAR with Manifest
> 24. put shared classes in a common JAR
> 25. updated from ant version 5.0 to 5.2
> I've been living with this for months now, but my patience with it is
> wearing out the closer I get to the due date.
> Any help very much appreciated.
> - Jim Piper
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