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You can put them in the request as attributes and use a non-redirecting
forward *but* then you are 'action chaining'.

(Action chains are bad. n'kay)

The other alternative - suitable for string parameters - is to make them
request parameters by appending to the url.
To do this you create a new forward based on the existing forward. ie in
your action:

ActionForward forward = mapping.findForward("myforward");
forward = new
ctionForward( addParameterToUrl(forward.getPath(),"foo","bar"),
forward.getRedirect() );
return forward;

where addParameterToUrl does something like:

  private String addParameterToURL(String url, String parameter, String
    return url + ( (url.indexOf("?")==-1) ? "?" : "&" ) + parameter + "=" +

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, 5 June 2003 19:25
Subject: passing parameters or object from one action to other

hi all,

I have an action1 whose forward is another action2.

I need to pass some parameters or object from action1
to action2

I don't want to put them(parameters or object) in the session.

Is there a solution for doing that.

thanks in advance


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