Hi all ! 

My jsp contain the following code :

<nested:form action="/admin.gp?ACTION=getGroups" 
type="gaston.project.struts.user.AdminAction" name="SESSIONUSER">
 <nested:nest property="groups" >
    <nested:write property="root.name"/><br>                           (A)
    <nested:iterate property="childs[1]">                                     (B)
      <nested:write property="name"/><br>

the error related to the line (B) is : 
javax.servlet.ServletException: No getter method for property groups.childs[1][0].name 
I've several hypothesis according to this but nevertheless I can't go further :-(

for info, the following code works well :

<logic:iterate id="thegroups" name="SESSIONUSER" property="groups.childs[1]">
<bean:write name="thegroups" property="name"/>

and ... I need nested tags for recursion and I don't want to change the implementation 
of my bean wich uses an hashtable to record the child node/parent node relations

... and an another simple related question (wich, I guess, doesn't need a new thread 
for it) : how do I write "childs[id]" instead of "childs[1]" ? ...  
property="<%='child['+id+']'%>" doesn't work and I don't know how to manage this with 
<nested:define>'s tag

thanks for help


ps : I've already take a look at www.keyboardmonkey.com ;-)

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