
Thats the default stringified version of your array. It looks like from the
tag your using you just want to print a simple string, why are you trying to
pass an array as the property?

-----Original Message-----
From: Sashi Ravipati [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 06, 2003 10:22 AM
Subject: Error - [Ljava.lang.String;@d23.


I get the following error when the jsp page is displayed after the
validation fails (Validation errros are all working fine)


This happens when I am passing values to a String Array. eg: .jsp I have

<html:text property="firstName"  />

These are my set and get methods in my ActionForm

private String [] FirstName=null;

public String[] getfirstName(){
    return FirstName;

  public void setfirstName(String[] newName){
    FirstName = newName;

It works fine when I use String but returns jusn when using String array.
The values are being set correctly when I ran in debug mode.

Is this a bug??


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