
I have a Map that is currently in application scope (key=String, value=Bean).
I'm iterating over a collection of line items, and need to do a lookup within the Map for each line item:

object contains a Collection, and a Collection getItems() getter.
objectWithMap contains a Object getBlah(), which contains a Object getUser(String key) { return map.get(key); }

<logic:iterate id="element" name="object" property="items">
<bean:define id="userId" toScope="page"><bean:write name="element" property="userId"/></bean:define>
@<%= userId %>@
#<bean:write name="objectWithMap" property="blah.user(<%=userId%>).fullName"/>#

The output will be:

If I change the property to "blah.user(60).fullName", I get the expected results...

Anyone see what is wrong? Does the <%= %> get executed after the bean tag starts?


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