> hi
> i've been trying to put struts in the tomcat/shared/lib folder. i've read
> the cautionary notes included in the struts documentation. i've abstracted
> my application so that all the actions and forms are in the shared/lib
> folder.
> however, the application still refuses to load. if i copy all the struts
> jars to the webapp/lib folder and leave all my classes in the shared
> it works fine. which leads me to believe that the dependency is in Struts,
> not my classes.
> the root cause i get is:
> ----- Root Cause -----
> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/beanutils/Converter
> failure is during loading of Actions.
> there is NO classes to load in the webapps directory
> can the ActionServlet located in shared/lib read the struts-config.xml
> i would have thought that static resources located on the webapp folder
> be read without any problems. is this the problem? what else could it be?
> for those of u who are concerned about why i'm doing this is; i'm building
> multiple applications of _similar_ behavior with different security
> restrictions. of course the applications present different forms and all
> which are read from static xml config files in the webapp folder.
> riyaz

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