I use this for OptionsCollection tag to genericaly decode:

Tim Trentham wrote:

I've got a question that I'm sure had to have come up already at some point,
but I can't seem to find the answer in the documentation or the mailing list
archive. Is there a framework in place, perhaps through the bean tags, that
allow you to convert form values that you've gotten from the database to
user-friendly strings for display in a JSP?

For example, let's say that I have a field called "Priority". In my
database, the field is stored as an integer and let's say there are only
three values: 1,2,3. These three values correspond to human readable
strings. Let's say they are: "Low", "Medium" and "High", respectively and
they are stored somewhere in the web application. My first guess at this
would be to store the human readable strings as a resource in the
application.properties file, for instance, and then through a custom tag
perhaps, convert the 1, 2 or 3 that's stored in the form bean to the
corresponding user-friendly string when it's displayed.

There appears to be something similar to this for the html:options tag where
you can pass a collection of label:value beans to the tag and it'll render
an html combo box, but I don't see anything like what I'm talking about.

Is there an existing way to do what I'm talking about in Struts or am I on
my own?

Thanks in advance,


-- Vic Cekvenich, Struts Instructor, 1-800-917-JAVA

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