in my application i have defined custom tag in this form :

<repro:security roles="aa,bb">
  <a href="...">edit record</a>

this tag checks if curent user is in required role to perform edit and
if so, link is displayed...nothing
hard to understand :-))
but now i need to allow to edit record for user who created it.
so i added parameter "ownerof" and i want to pass ID of record being
rendered and in security tag i want to check if user is creator of
and now i have this problem
how can i pass parameter to custom tag by another struts tag? 
i tried to call tag within tag like this:

<repro:security roles="aa,bb" ownerof='<bean:write property="recId"/>'>
  <a href="...">edit record</a>

but it doesn't work
is it possible dynamically set some parameters to tag by other tag?

thanks in advance

PXP Slovakia s.r.o.
Boris Brinza
IT Developer
Kukuricna 1, 831 03 Bratislava, Slovakia
phone:  + 421 2 492 65 302
web  :  http://www.pxpgroup.com
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