----- Original Message -----
From: "Ted Husted" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, May 31, 2003 7:48 AM
Subject: Re: Example of <html:select> in use

> James Mitchell wrote:
> > In a way, I was hoping the test cases I wrote recently would sort-of
take care
> > of this.  Although they are not as newbie friendly as a nice deployable
> > they demonstrate the before and after souce view of (more or less) every
> > possible configuration of every tag.
> >
> > They need a bit of refactoring and they are not complete for every tag
> > but I think I got a nice start on them and I hope to have the time soon
> > finish them.
> I wonder if we could set it up so that the taglib test classes can be
> complied into a special taglib-exercise JAR and bundled with the
> exercise application (source and all). We might then be able to pick
> some of the key tests and present the source code, as Steve is doing.
> So there would be both the test pages and the JUnit tests in the
> exercise WAR.
> The goal here would be to show people how taglibs can be tested, and
> also to show people how we are testing our taglibs [in case they want to
> pitch in =:0)]. We might also add the other tests sometime, so that this
> becomes a complete testing application for Struts.
> So, we'd have the MailReader example showing Struts being used to solve
> a specific business problem, Steve's "Struts University" examples
> showing how to implement various use-cases, the exercise application
> with our unit tests, and the Tiles and Validator examples.
> At some point the Struts University examples might absorb the Tiles and
> Validator examples, so we could have just the three (MailReader,
> University, and Exercise).
> Of course, there might still be others in contrib, for the JSF tags and
> other optional packages.
> -Ted.

>From a "how do I" documentation standpoint, anyone is free to open the jsp
files from the test suite and see how different configurations of a
particular tag work and are tested.  I'm just not sure how all this could be
done with the current taglib tests. (At least the ones I've done)

I have quite a bit more to do on the current tests and I'm certainly open to
suggestions.  I chose to setup the tests to utilize the framework and
container in a more natural way (setting up and forwarding to jsp
pages)....instead of trying to duplicate what the container does.  Sure,
this requires a bit more overhead with page compilation, but, IMHO, I think
it's worth the trade off.


James Mitchell

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