I looked at that the other day because I wanted to do something like:


and in my controller (which would be a subclass of ActionServlet) I would
disallow *.jsp and throw to a page and then process *.do normally. I noticed
that all my actions where then generated (in my JSP) as <html:form
action="/login.jsp" > instead of action="login.do"  so I looked at the
struts source and saw that only one pattern could be specified and so it
fills that pattern with the last one entered in the web.xml.

Unless I was just tired and was seeing things. :-)  That is how I determined
it works.

-----Original Message-----
From: Laurent Garcia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2003 11:04 AM
Subject: Mutil URL access to a struts application

Hi all,

I just finished my struts 1.0 application, and now I would like to access to
my application through several URL :

My root context is APP and I want to access to my application with, 
for example :


and depend on the url context I want to have a different behaviour in my

But I don't want to change anything in my struts-config.xml file (perhaps in
the jsp).

I have something like that :

in my web.xml, I try  to add <url-pattern>/foo/*.do</url-pattern> with no



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