> I am new to Struts and learning myself but from what I have read the
> input attribute is for validation if the form/Action fails it will
> send it back to the view.
My book states:
"input - Used to define where the user should be redirected, if a validation
error occurs. Usually, the user is redirected back to the JSP page where
the data was submitted."

And this is exactly what I'm doing. I want to send the user back to the
PostTest.jsp form to let him correct his entry and I want to tell him which
part is wrong showing error messages.

And know that you should never has .jsp
> pages located in your WEB-INF directory. Just an idea.

I'm new to Struts too. But this is what I got from the Professional
Struts Applications from WROX. They've placed the the jsp directory
containing all jsps unter WEB-INF. BTW I wouldn't know what's the
trouble with that would be?


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