Make sure "/LOCCreateParticipants.jsp" is in the root
of your web app. (Sorry, I know that is obvious, but I
included it just in case)

In your struts-config.xml, check to see if you have

    <!-- The "input" parameter on "action" elements is
the name of a local or global "forward" rather than a
subapp-relative path -->
    <set-property property="inputForward" value="true"

If so, create a global forward:

<forward name="CreateParticipants"
path=""/LOCCreateParticipants.jsp"" redirect="false"

and change Action so that input="CreateParticipants"


--- "Gregory F. March" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jun 6, 2003, "Barry Volpe"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:
>  |I was able to piece it all together using the
>  |struts-validator.war file that comes in the
> Barry,
> Thanks for that write up.  Looking at that war, I
> set my app up
> similarly, but I am having a very frustrating
> problem.
> When my form tag in the validation.xml file points
> to (name=) my
> DynaValidatorForm in my struts-config.xml,
> submitting that form yields
> an error 404 - not available.  Changing the form
> method to GET, the
> url is ...<formname>.do... after the submit. 
> Turning off the
> validation (by changing the name in the
> validation.xml to something
> else) and submitting the form yields a url that came
> from the action's
> forward tag.
> I just don't have enough experience with struts to
> be able to
> understand what is happening (read: HELP!).  I
> suspect that the
> validation is returning something that I am not
> handling, but I can't
> figure out what it is so that I can handle it. 
> Below are the code
> snippets.
> Thanks...
> /greg (clumps of hair in my white-knuckled fists!)
> --
> Gregory F. March    -=-   
>    -=-    AIM:GfmNet
> struts-config.xml:
>     <form-bean
>       name="LOCCreateForm"
>       <form-property name="CompanyOrDivisionID"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>       <form-property name="Destination"        
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>       <form-property name="CRN"                
> type="java.lang.String"/>
>       <form-property name="ApplicantID"        
> type="java.lang.String"/>
> ...
>   <action
>       path="/SaveTWSItem"
> type="com.mycompany.web.action.SaveTWSItemAction"
>       scope="session"
>       name="LOCCreateForm"
>       validate="true"
>       input="/LOCCreateParticipants.jsp"
>       parameter="action">
>       <forward
>           name="Success"
>           path="/mainpage/mainpage.jsp"
>           redirect="true" />
>       <forward
>           name="Failure"
>           path="/errors/general.jsp"
>           redirect="true" />
> ...
> validation.xml:
> <form-validation>
>   <formset>
>     <form name="LOCCreateForm">
>       <field
>         property="CRN"
>         depends="required,mask">
>         <arg0 key="loc.create.crn"/>
>         <var>
>           <var-name>mask</var-name>
>           <var-value>^[0-9]*$</var-value>
>         </var>
>       </field>
>     </form>
>   </formset>
> </form-validation>
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