
Could somebody answer to 2 little questions :
1- why there is no nested-el taglib ?

Because i want to do something like :

* in one page :
<nested:iterate property="AccesTelecom">
        <jsp:directive.include file="/pages/nests/AccesTelecomNest.jsp"/>

* in AccesTelecomNest.jsp :
<jsp:root xmlns="..." ...>

  <nested:equal property="id" value="0">
    <nested-el:submit value="addAccesTelecom" property="action"/>
  <nested:notEqual property="id" value="0">
    <!-- it's here that i want a nested-el tag -->
    <nested-el:submit value="delAccesTelecom${id}" property="action"/>


you think that this is possible to do something like this ?

if this is stupid, why ?

2- Is it possible to reference the current nested property in an el-expression ? Because actually i cannot use JSTL in my nests.
I would write a tag for doing this (put the current nest in page scope where he's accessible by jstl tag [i think]) but perhaps there is a better solution (which is already coded).

Ludovic Maître

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