I dont think this will work because the error seems due to the 
> <bean:define id="statusPercent"
> name="statusBarPercent" scope="request"
> type="java.lang.String"/>

So what you can do is use logic:present tag and use this bean:define inside the logic 
present so that the bean define will be evaluated only if the bean is there in request 
scope...But this seems a bit too contrived logic.If anybody can give a clean solution 
for this nesting tiles problem,I will be too happy..

Any tiles experts listening?


-----Original Message-----
From: Sandeep Takhar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2003 4:56 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: Nested Tiles Definitions

try ignore="true"

I think this works.

--- Robert Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What Chip suggested I had also tried (and neglected
> to mention in my first message).  I can divine for
> Shirish's message that it has to do with the
> attributes not being in scope in the subtile.
> I tried what Shirish suggested and I can now pass
> attributes from the JSP to the subtile.  However,
> there's one problem.  If I don't pass the attribute
> in the JSP, I get this error:
> [ServletException in:/tiles/statusSubLayout.jsp]
> Cannot find bean 
> statusBarPercent in scope request'
> I tried changing the <bean:define> to
> <tiles:useAttribute scope="request"> but the
> useAttribute tag doesn't get the value from the JSP.
> I would think that <tiles:importAttribute
> scope="request"/> in subLayout.jsp would have
> brought in attributes from the definition, but for
> some reason it's not.
> Is there anything I'm doing wrong, or is there good
> workaround?
> Thanks,
> Robert
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2003 9:41 AM
> Subject: RE: Nested Tiles Definitions
> You can insert definition inside another
> definition..There is no problem in that.That is the
> whole point of tiles...
> But what he is missing is that the nested definition
> does not get the paraeters passed from the top level
> definition...
> SO try this..
> In the toplevel template,/tiles/subLayout.jsp, add
> tiles import statement as follows.
> <!-- Make all attributes available in request
> required for nested Definations.. -->
> <tiles:importAttribute scope="request"/>
> What this does is makes all the attributes passed to
> this definition available in request scope.
> So now when u pass any additional attruibutes, these
> wil be available in request scope.
> So the statusBarPercent value will be avallable in
> request now..Get it from there before using it in
> the jsp.../tiles/statusSubLayout.jsp
> <!-- make the title key available as a java variable
> for use in eq:message tag -->
> <bean:define id="statusPercent"
> name="statusBarPercent" scope="request"
> type="java.lang.String"/>
> Now use this statusPercent ..
> HTH.
> regards,
> Shirish
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chip Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2003 12:14 AM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: RE: Nested Tiles Definitions
> I don't think you can net calls to <tiles:put> like
> that.
> Instead try this insert:
> <tiles:insert definition="site.subLayout.status"
> flush="true>
>   <tiles:put name="statusBarPercent" value="0" />
> </tiles:insert>
> The whole reason you defined the
> site.sublayout.status definition was so you
> could refer to it and it's added percent bar
> functionality, so go ahead and
> insert it directly.
> Chip
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jerry Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2003 4:26 PM
> Subject: Nested Tiles Definitions
> Hello,
> I tried posting this through Yahoo! and my message
> wouldn't show up.  If
> this gets posted multiple times, many apologies!
> I'm using Struts 1.0 and the Tiles extension from
> http://www.lifl.fr/~dumoulin/tiles/ .
> I want to use a one definition is another
> definition.  Here are my
> current definitions:
>   <definition name="site.mainLayout.subs"
> path="/tiles/subLayout.jsp">
>     <put name="header"
> value="/tiles/standardHeader.jsp" />
>     <put name="menu" value="/tiles/standardMenu.jsp"
> />
>     <put name="main.title" value="TITLE NEEDED" />
>     <put name="body.sublayout"
> value="site.subLayout.status" />
>   </definition>
>   <definition name="site.subLayout.status"
> path="/tiles/statusSubLayout.jsp">
>     <put name="body" value="/tiles/blank.jsp" />
>     <put name="statusTitleImage" value="IMAGE
> NEEDED" />
>     <put name="statusBarPercent" value="0" />
>   </definition>
> Now, say I want the statusBarPercent value to be 50.
>  I can't figure out
> how to change this value in the JSP.  I've tried:
> <tiles:insert definition="site.mainLayout.subs"
> flush="true">
>   <tiles:put name="body.sublayout"
> value="site.subLayout.status">
>     <tiles:put name="statusBarPercent" value="50" />
>   </tiles:put>
> </tiles:insert>
> The value remains "0".  Can someone see what I'm
> doing wrong or if what
> I want to do is feasible?
> Thanks,
> Robert
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