I used the following code for two text boxes, u can change it to your

I am also learning so bear with my suggestions.

1. Action form code:

private ArrayList personList;
  public void reset(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request){
     this.personList = new ArrayList();
   // String num = request.getParameter("personListLength");
     String num ="5";
        try {
            if (num != null) {
                int len = Integer.parseInt(num);
                for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                    this.personList.add(new PersonBean());
        }catch (NumberFormatException e) {
  public PersonBean getPerson(int ndx) {
        return (PersonBean) personList.get(ndx);
  public void setPersonList(int ndx, PersonBean p) {
        personList.set(ndx, p);
  public ArrayList getPersonList(){
    return this.personList;

2. jsp

<TABLE id="mytable">
  <logic:present name="personList"> 
<logic:iterate id="person" name="dynaTableForm" property="personList" 
   type="com.learning.struts.PersonBean" >

       <html:text name="person" property="firstName" indexed="true"/>
        <html:text name="person" property="phoneNo" indexed="true"/>

public class PersonBean implements Serializable
  String firstName;
  String phoneNo;

  public PersonBean()

  public String getFirstName()
    return firstName;

  public void setFirstName(String newFirstName)
    firstName = newFirstName;

  public String getPhoneNo()
    return phoneNo;

  public void setPhoneNo(String newPhoneNo)
    phoneNo = newPhoneNo;

Let me know if u need any further info.


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 06/12/03 01:35PM >>>

I am not able to pass more than one value when a multibox is checked. Is
there any 
possible (or alternate) way to do it?

I have a table in the JSP where each row contains a multibox, and a
text field. When I select a checkbox and then enter some value in the 
text field and Submit, I need to get text field value related to this
checkbox. Is there a possible way to achieve this? 
How can I know which checkbox connects to which text field?

My jsp page is as followings:
<logic:iterate id="element" name="projects" >    
  <td align="right">
          <html:multibox property="selectedItems" >
            <bean:write name="element" property="id"/> 
       <td align="right"><strong>project Title:</strong></td>
       <td><html:text name="element" property="name"/>         

Thanks in advance!


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